If you looked up the word “bubbly” in the dictionary, you would find a picture of Teryl Rothery. Of course you would also find her under “flirt”, as you will see. I have had the pleasure of seeing Teryl three times now. She attended Chicago twice, though the second time […]
Creation Entertainment
He was a success and then a disaster. A character we could sympathize with, and then a character we could hate without much reservation. A potential ally, and then an enemy who knew way too much. Michael the Wraith – or whatever you want to call him – became the […]
I declare Dan Shea to be the King of Randomness. My notes are so crazy, I’m not sure if any of this is going to make any sense! Dan has a hard time staying on topic. He gets distracted, he talks very fast, he has a bit of a lisp, […]
It’s time to hear from everyone’s favorite berated, overworked, underappreciated scientist. Move over Rodney! Radek Zelenka of the Atlantis expedition is a pretty quiet fellow, but actor David Nykl is anything but. He’s a ham. This was my second time seeing David. He attended the Chicago Creation convention last year, […]
People Got A Lotta Nerve by Neko Case[audio:https://wormholeriders.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/19-track-19.mp3] Andee Frizzell is a wonderful person in her own right, but in the world of the Wraith, she’s a true Queen! In fact, she’s more than one! Andee was behind every Wraith Queen the Atlantis expedition encountered over the course of 5 […]
Update October 2009: New greetings video at http://www.WormholeRiders.com and http://www.WormholeRiders.net featuring Morena Baccarin, Amanda Tapping, Claudia Black reports from Chicago Stargate 2009, greetings from Stargate Stars @ DragonCon Atlanta 2009, the Alternative Press Expo, Los Angeles and beyond! Dot Net archives scheduled for new upgrade in late 2009 Enjoy!
It’s time for everyone’s favorite Gate Technician! I’ve wanted to see Gary Jones for years. He owes Chicago an appearance from a couple years back where he was set to come and then had to cancel. Everything I knew about Gary said he’s a wonderful comedian, and I knew he […]
This was the first time I have ever seen Creation have an almost ComicCon style panel, and it was very interesting! The guests were: Fulvio Cecere As Stargate SG-1’s Colonel Davidson, cammander of the Oddesy, Fluvio is very proud that he is the only person to have commanded one of earth’s […]
Valerie Halverson was the assistant costume designer for season 9 of Stargate SG-1, and costume designer for season 10 of SG-1, and season’s 4 and 5 of Stargate Atlantis. Valerie was a new comer to the convention setting, but she did very well! She took questions, and also gave us […]
I want to apologize for not posting the last couple days. Along with all the loot I picked up at the convention, I seem to have gotten a small cold free of charge. I’ve been forced to go to bed early, especially for me. That, and I had very little […]