Hey Gulf Coast, can you guess what’s coming up in Houston, Texas?! Space City Comic Con (SCCC) is happening Friday through Sunday, July 24-26, 2015 at NRG Center! From VIP experiences, cosplayer contests, gaming, panels, actors, voice actors, comic creators/artists, and vendors there will be lots of family entertainment, SCCC […]

Welcome back to WHR You Decide for our special Stargate Summit 3! The Goa’uld are at it again Stargate fans! This time, they have teamed up with the Wraith, or, more specifically, one Wraith, who has plans of her own! Join us for the latest installment of the System Lord’s […]

Hey Chucksters! Who didn’t love the last episode of Chuck? I know I did.  I mean, can it get any better than Chuck robbing a bank while dressed in a suit??  Boy, Zachary Levi really was rather good looking in this episode.  Am I right ladies? Alright, let’s get down […]

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