Welcome back Stargate fans! Mr. Martin Gero appeared late in the day Saturday November 7, 2009 at Creation Entertainments Los Angeles Stargate SG-1 Atlantis convention. Known as a writer, a director, and as an Executive Producer of Stargate Atlantis, Martin Gero is currently best know by Stargate Franchise fans as […]
The conventions that WormholeRiders News Agency covered in 2009!
Hey Stargate and X-Files fans! During our wonderful time at the Los Angeles Farscape Stargate 2009 convention, the great people at Creation Entertainment made this next interview possible for the fans. Thank you Creation Entertainment for helping MeaganSue and ValaBlack arrange the interview! Who was interviewed you say? Why of […]
Hi Stargate Fans! It’s time for another great Stargate panel Dragon*Con 2009 panel with Joe, Paul Gary, Colin, Jason and …. included is Joe in his red shirt, and bit of beautiful Rachael Luttrell singing! ZOMG! Our sincere thanks again to Dragon*Con Media Relations for giving us access! – and […]
This Creation Entertainment weekend was, well, epic. There’s not really another way to put it, except perhaps to quote my fellow reporter, Meagan, and say that it was “excellentabulously Claud-frelling-tastic”, which may be a mixture of made-up words, but at least it’s an accurate one. I doubt I’ve ever had […]
The Saturday Los Angeles convention was actually just a very long Friday! How is that possible? Wormholes! So we will start with the WormholeRiders team hanging out until all hours with fans, photographers, Cliff Simon, Ryan Robbins and a surprise appearance of Patrick Gilmore (not pictured) of Stargate Universe at […]
The Creation Entertainment Farscape Con Friday morning started kind of early for me. The WormholeRiders team had a meet up in the hotel lobby at 8 am. Once we were all introduced and sorted out our business for the day, I went to eat breakfast with the gang from claudiablackonline […]
Hey Claudia Black Fans, While we were all having fun at the Los Angeles Stargate Farscape Convention, Claudia Black was everywhere including all over the world wide web! ZOMG! Many thanks to our dear friend Brian Gramo of TheStreamTV for providing these wonderful clips of Ms. Black’s webby TV activities […]
Day two of the Farscape Con hosted by Creation has just ended. Okay, well, technically it ended a few hours ago, but MeaganSue and I only just returned to our hotel room. Today has been, well, pretty insane. I know I was awake for all of it, but at this […]
Hey Stargate and Farscape Fans! Day one of the Creation Entertainment Los Angeles Stargate and Farscape convention has come to a roaring close! Held at the Marriot Hotel and Convention Center a hop, skip and a jump from LAX, and based on our observations and discussions with fans, a truly […]
It’s time for the second-smallest but completely inspired panel of the Dragon*Con weekend. Seriously, whoever thought of having a panel just for Gary Jones and Colin Cunningham, I could kiss them. It gave Colin and Gary a chance to really take center-stage, while on the bigger panels they seemed to […]