Hey Fringe Fans! SPOILER ALERT – Do not read or watch this if you do not like spoilers! Buffer time has been adjusted to allow you to leave. Thank you. Well here it is the day of part one of the FRINGE season 2 two part finale and as a […]
Lance Reddick
Fellow Fringe Fans, As you have all most likely gathered by now, I have yet to meet an episode of Fringe I didn’t like and this episode was no exception. At first I thought it was shaping up to be something of a stand-alone episode which, since the last episodes […]
Fellow Fringe fans, Any episode following the stunner Jacksonville had to blow us away, and Peter certainly did not disappoint. I was a little concerned going into the episode because FOX had released several sneak peeks of key scenes, and so I was worried that I would be underwhelmed having […]
Hey Fringe Fans, It is almost time for Fringe fans to find out how it all started in Walters past! Thanks to the wonderful people at The Fringe Insider Movement, Warner Brothers and FOX, we have a special news report for you! All of the Fringe extended promos, including a […]
Hey Finge Fans, After our latest wonderful visit to TheFRINGEreport, we noted that FOX has upped the ante with a second Fringe Season Two Episode 15 trailer hailing the series return to the fans on April 01 with eight all new stories. As I long suspected and theorized before WormholeRiders […]
Hey Fringe Fans, The first of April will mark the return of Fringe after the arduous seven week hiatus following the “Winter Finale” of Jacksonville. As you can see in the promo below, it appears as though much of the backstory regarding Walter’s past and Peter’s true origins will be explained in […]
Hey Fringe Fans! Our thanks to the Fringe Folks at FOX Networks! Below is a preview of this Thursday’s shocking upcoming episode “Jacksonville”. The WHR news analysis is that “Jacksonville” will return the story-line to the clash between Alternate Realities as both worlds prepare for a collision that could spell […]
Hey Fringe Fans, First of all, to clear up any lingering confusion, this episode was a bonus un-aired episode from Season 1 of Fringe. If I hadn’t known this going into the episode, I’m sure I would have been confused, given that Charlie Francis – Olivia’s murdered FBI partner – […]
Hello Fringe fans, The focus of season 1 was primarily on establishing the characters we’ve come to know and love, as well as on the pursuit of ZFT. However, there was a shift at the beginning of season 2 to a “bigger picture” plot; that being, the inevitable conflict between […]
“When the threat is unimaginable, that is when we are at the door” – Phillip Broyles Imagine a reality where the very laws of nature no longer seem to hold sway. A reality where words like “alternate universe” and “shape-shifters” are part of the everyday vernacular on the job. A […]