Hey Fringe fans, It’s been a while since I wrote about my thoughts on a Fringe episode, and there have certainly been a lot of developments since Olivia. One thing I should probably get out of the way is that I do actually like AltLivia. A lot of people I’ve […]


Hello science fiction fans and “Fringe” fans! Season 3 of “Fringe” has depicted the series characters in two slightly different universes.  In this analysis I will address what a parallel universe is, how do the characters get to this alternate reality, and the differences in the two worlds within the […]


Hey Fringe Fans, Well, we finally got it: the premiere for which we waited all those long summer months. And the best part? It impressed in a BIG way. It really is quite frustrating when we suffer through the summer hiatus only to be disappointed by the fall premieres, and […]


Hey Fringe and Fall Viewing Season Fans! Around the world and here at WormholeRiders News Agency it is the time of the year to celebrate the return of our favorite television series for the fall viewing season. We began our Music News Series this week with a V Series tribute […]


Hey Comic-Con and Fringe Fans, In addition to the reporting team here at WormholeRiders who were were honored with Red Carpet access granted by Warner Brothers Entertainment at  Comic-Con 2010, another great photographic team was at work while we prepared to slave away interviewing  Anna Torv, John Noble, Joshua Jackson, […]


Hey Movie and Television Fans! The Saturn Awards were held June 24, 2010 and were amazing. I wish that I could have been there to see Avatar sweep the film awards and the sheer look of glee of Anna Torv on her face for her wonderful win as best actress […]


Fellow Fringe fans, Well, this was it: the final part of the two-part Fringe finale which felt, in many ways, rather more like a movie than an extended episode of a television show. In many ways this episode was the culmination of the last two seasons: we see the payoff […]


Hey Fringe Fanatics, Alt-Livia is a BAD GIRL and Naddy is a good girl who has a fantastic report coming soon! In the meantime, here and now we will see and hear about a terrible  devastating FRINGE EVENT about “Telephone” streaming to you in a just a very few seconds […]


Fellow Fringe Fans, As you all know, we have come to the end of season 2 of Fringe, and it’s been a pretty wild ride! I, for one, was waiting in eager anticipation for part 1 of the season finale and as usual, it delivered! I found that in the […]

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