
I'm a big fan of ALL things Sci-Fi. Just to name a few, I love Farscape, Stargate (all of them), and Sanctuary! Also, going back to the good old days, Quantum Leap, Sliders, and X-Files. :D

9 thoughts on “Press Release: New Webseries Alert! Spotlight on “The Dream Detective” with Ryan Robbins!

  1. Kyleey ~ Thank you for reading! Before talking with the creators, the only thing I’d heard about it was that Ryan Robbins was in it and I got that from his Twitter account. I think Comic-Con was their big release, so we got lucky by being able to attend. When any new information (new cast members, guest stars, release date, etc) is available, I’ll be sure to post it right away. Thanks again! 🙂

    And thanks everyone for your comments! They are really appreciated.

  2. Dear Admin of Grants for Single Mothers,

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  3. Finally! Someone with some information on this. You would imagine considering how popular Comic Book Movies are these days, some info would actually be somewhat easy to find. Apparently not. Anyway, thanks for this! I appreciate it!

  4. Kenn ~ Thanks! I can’t wait for them to start airing!

    Howie ~ Thank you so much! And who *doesn’t* love Ryan?! 😉

  5. I love Ryan Robbins!

    What fun it is to find a web site that actually knows what they doing! Very nice! Thank you.

  6. Hey Meagan! Super report! Loved the bits of humor in your writing style! This new web series looks Frakkin AWESOME! Thank you!

    Best Regards,

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TSE- The Final Day

Fri Aug 27 , 2010
First off, let me just say forgive me for the length of time it’s been between the 2nd day and the 3rd. Due to some technical difficulties, I couldn’t get the post out until today. That being said, I want to dive right into the final day without any further […]

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