Hey BattleStar Galactica Fans,
Well folks here it is, a new series with a Wormhole theme AND much more!… SyFy’s Caprica. YAY!
After days, weeks, months, years and yes even decades, here is the special announcement WHR has been promising. WHR sill support the new SyFy series
Caprica! We will not say more at this time other than … stand by for blockbuster new reviews on the outstanding work by Ronald Moore and David Eick’s team, famous for BSG and now Caprica with all thanks to Glen A. Larson for his Wormholes over the past 33 years!
As is WHR policy, no spoilers are revealed to the Caprica content, other than enjoy this the latest of our music news series. We have kicked up the flash video bit rate for your pleasure by over 200%!
It will automatically buffer and kick in at approximately 30 seconds after you click play. Simply click and this special WHR music news will play. Enjoy!
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Best Regards,
Kenn of #TeamWHR
I am so looking forward to being wowed by the series Caprica. It will keep my obsession for SGU in check until it comes back in April.
Awesome. Huge BSG fan so it’s great to see you doing Caprica now too. Best site for Stargate and Sanctuary and convention coverage so I’m looking forward to the Caprica coverage now