Hey Chuck Fans! With all our thanks to the wonderful folks at NBC Universal Comcast, here is the extended special  extended Chuck promotional preview of tonight’s fantastic episode “Operation Awesome”! Stand by for evermore Chuck at Team WHR as our team expands our coverage of Chuck. A special report with […]


Hey Chuck Fans, With all our thanks to the wonderful people over at NBC Universal Studios and to Comcast, below please find a special treat: Chuck and stars on location “Behind the Scenes’ during filming of the show in Los Angeles, California. This will be the first of many Chuck […]


Hey Adam Baldwin and Chuck Fans! As is customary at Team WHR we often follow the stars of Stargate when they move on in their careers to other movies or television series franchises. As Managing Editor and after consulting with MeaganSue we began looking into following Adam Baldwin, perhaps best […]

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