We are pleased to announce the following: Congratulations to @TheFifthSister and @karenford1! (Twitter account names) Let’s have a hearty round of applause for the video contest winners!  Winners you say? Yes indeed Grand Prize Winner: @TheFifthSister! Prize # 1. Autograph picture of choice from Los Angles Stargate 2009 Convention. Bonus […]


This Creation Entertainment weekend was, well, epic. There’s not really another way to put it, except perhaps to quote my fellow reporter, Meagan, and say that it was “excellentabulously Claud-frelling-tastic”, which may be a mixture of made-up words, but at least it’s an accurate one.  I doubt I’ve ever had […]


The Creation Entertainment Farscape Con Friday morning started kind of early for me.  The WormholeRiders team had a meet up in the hotel lobby at 8 am.  Once we were all introduced and sorted out our business for the day, I went to eat breakfast with the gang from claudiablackonline […]


Hey Stargate and Farscape Fans! Day one of the Creation Entertainment Los Angeles Stargate and Farscape convention has come to a roaring close! Held at the Marriot Hotel and Convention Center a hop, skip and a jump from LAX, and based on our observations and discussions with fans, a truly […]


Hey V Series fans, Much to our delight, V The New Series was found in a wormhole opened only yesterday Monday November 2, 2009 just in time for a wonderful new series about to burst on the science fiction world! Once the event horizon settled, lo and behold our request […]

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