Hello Fringedom! We have returned from the hiatus to a fantastic Fringe episode with lots of confrontation, between POlivia, most importantly. The episode deals with the things that make us what we are, like faith. Either having faith in an unseen God or in us and our own potential, it […]

Hello my fellow Comic-Con fans and most importantly my beloved Fringe fans! This is the post I am sure you have all been waiting for. As this was my first Comic-Con experience, it was also my first (and last) Fringe panel. To say that it is bittersweet is an understatement, […]


Welcome back WormholeRiders! Pop Culture is at the heart of why WormholeRiders exists today. This begs the question, though, as to where pop culture would be today without the fans that drive it to being a major part of our lives? Resident WormholeRiders contributing writer Amanda Rosenblatt has recently released […]

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