Hi Stargate and Farscape Fans! WormholeRiders announces a Pre Chicago Stargate 2009 Convention music news video tribute to Claudia Blacks Constellation Best Actress award! Now playing at our video archive web site is evil Quetesh and good ole Vala featuring accompaniment by 3 Oh! 3’s song ‘Don’t Trust Me’, absolutely perfect for evil Quetesh who […]
Hi Stargate and Science Fiction Fans! Many have wondered what some of the Stargate actors and actresses are doing now. All of us know about SGU and guest appearances by several of our favorite characters. This is the first of our new series featuring the stars of Stargate and what […]
Hi WormholeRiders! WormholeRiders News Agency and Music Video Archives were scheduled to open to coincide with our ‘live from the convention’ coverage of Chicago Stargate 2009, however by request from members and fans, we have opened the archives early at our Contacts Page Here is how WormholeRiders Video Archives will work: 1. […]
Update October 2009: New greetings video at http://www.WormholeRiders.com and http://www.WormholeRiders.net featuring Morena Baccarin, Amanda Tapping, Claudia Black reports from Chicago Stargate 2009, greetings from Stargate Stars @ DragonCon Atlanta 2009, the Alternative Press Expo, Los Angeles and beyond! Dot Net archives scheduled for new upgrade in late 2009 Enjoy!
Greetings and Welcome to WormholeRiders News Agency! We are a Stargate convention news site devoted to YOU, the Stargate and science fiction series fan! As time progresses and our team grows, we will also be covering other events and television programs! WormholeRiders News Agency also known as Team WHR will […]
Hi Andromeda fans! Once again many thanks to SYFY for their courtesy and for their high quality video embed. Stand by! We will be posting a a new report on one of the most delightful women associated with the Andromeda franchise. Now without further delay, here is Laura Bertram of […]