Canada’s Mind’s Eye Series to Follow in Footsteps of Sanctuary and Riese!

Hey Science Fiction Fantasy Fans,

The Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States is typically know as “Black Friday” to denote the “official” start of holiday shopping season when retailers go into the black. Other Black Friday’s in history denote a negative meaning. However, this Friday November 26, 2010 will not be a negative Black Friday for science fiction fantasy fans, it will be a wonderful one! Why? A fantastic new web series “Mind’s Eye” begins its exciting 24 episode run on the web!

Click to learn more about Mind's Eye at their official web site!

Click to visit and learn more about Synn Studios!After years of planning, Mind’s Eye is produced by Synn Studios, a division of LynnVander Productions of Canada. Mind’s Eye is a wonderful fantasy series whose science fiction roots are set in a normal suburb following the adventures of the series protagonist Illia and his allies as they seek to overcome the powers of evil in distant lands. Click to learn more about LynnVander Productions!

Known as The Dreamweaver, the series young hero’s Illia (illustrated below) is about a story of histories greatest characters that is both compelling and entertaining. The 24 week run of Mind’s Eye chronicles the powerful quest of the Dreamweaver to seek truth and justice to combat the evil forces attempting to loot the world!

Nik MacMillan plays MIND’S EYE’s chosen one Illia

We include the official trailer below courtesy of Synn Studios for your pleasure to give you a taste of the wonderful web series that is about to burst on the world!

Rarely have we observed such quality in production for an independent studio. Rivaling Riese Series, The Guild and Sanctuary for creative genius, Mind’s Eye is set to stun the world this Friday following in the footsteps of the aforementioned series.

After researching the series web site with detailed graphics and thoughtful presentations, we strongly advise that you visit the Mind’s Eye web site to confirm for yourselves what we have witnessed on all their delightful web pages. We include for your enjoyment the Mind’s Eye press release below.

For Immediate Release:

About Mind’s Eye:

Story Line: Illia Fairchild is a 12-year-old boy. He likes to draw and build forts. He likes to fantasize about far off lands filled with Knights and Wizards and Pirates. He fights with his Grandfather sometimes, he dozes off during math class, and he’s pretty good at baseball. He has a crush on a girl, but is terrified of telling her. He also wishes he had a dog. But what he doesn’t know, is that he’s being hunted.

Minds Eye Series - Pirates!

For centuries a war has been fought between the terrifying Daemon and the righteous Seraphim. They are searching for a human with the power to tip the balance of power in their favour and finally put the war to rest, and that child is Illia.

Closing in on Illia, the war is spilling into the streets of a small suburban town, which is becoming a land filled with mystery and danger. Illia is not alone in his fight. His neighbourhood friends are humanity’s greatest heroes and they’ve sworn to protect Illia from the harsh reality of the war until he is old enough to understand his place in it.

Minds Eye Series - Damsels and Knights!

Known as The Dreamweavers, these heroes possess the ability to alter reality with their imaginations. Powerful warriors from different cultures and time periods, the Dreamweavers disguise themselves as children and work behind the scenes to give Illia a chance to find his own way in a world filled with expectations.

A quiet and introverted 12 year old boy in the ‘everyday’ world, Illia is a talented artist and daydreamer who throws himself with gusto into a world of fantasy rather than deal with mundane stresses of the world around him. Illia is being raised by his grandfather Marty and spends most of his free time with his long-time friends.

Minds Eye Series - Friends Wonder Why!

Cautious, shy and seemingly a harmless boy, Illia could become the most powerful Dreamweaver in history, being the only human ever born influenced by the energies of both Seraphim and Daimon. As Illia matures and learns more about his true identity, he wrestles with the implications of his power to shape the world forever.

Minds Eye Series - A Face of Concern!

Production Information:
The series was shot over 26 days from July 6th, 2010 till August 6th, 2010. The script was 240 pages in length, or approximately three (3) feature films.

The Premiere episode launches Friday November 26th. 2010 and the Season Finale will debut on Friday May 6th, 2011. There are 24, 5-10 minute episodes in all, and a new episode will be available every Friday after November 26th on the MIND’S EYE website at

This is the third incarnation of the MIND’S EYE idea. The first was produced by Thomas Gofton in 2007 as a short film. The second was the series’ concept/pilot produced by Synn Studios in the Spring of 2009.

Many of the members of the MIND’S EYE crew appear in cameos throughout the series, including Director of Photography Nick Montgomery, Sound Designer Aaron Soch and Publicist Adam A. Donaldson. As well, Cameron Parkinson, who plays one of the Shadow’s Hands minions appears in a scene as a bystander without his cloak.

Andrew Ellis, who plays the younger Mark in MIND’S EYE, is already an award-winning film maker in his own right. He’s won two awards – one each from the 2008 and 2010 editions of the 24 Hour Film Challenge at Ed Video Media Arts Centre.

MIND’S EYE Art Director Seth Rowanwood was the 2010 recipient of the L. Ron Hubbard Gold Award for Illustrator of the Future, which was presented this past August in Los Angeles.

Learn about L Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future!

About Synn Studios and Lynnvander Productions:

Lynnvander Productions was founded July 5th, 2005 by Thomas M. Gofton. The company was originally designed as a talent troupe performing for various elementary schools as educational entertainers. The troupe was noticed by Click to learn more about LynnVander Productions!Eaton Electrical: Cutler Hammer Division. It was only a month later that Eaton Electrical cast the talent troupe in a 10 minute business commercial which indirectly set the troupe on their visual media journey.

By April 2006 Lynnvander Productions had acquired enough industry grade media equipment to begin production on its first major project called Four Aces (2006). Since the summer of 2006 Lynnvander Productions has built a strong clientele with large respected partners such as The University of Guelph, The Society for Creative Anachronism, Much Music, Rue Morgue Magazine, Anchor Bay Canada, E1 Entertainment, MacMillan Marketing, The City of Guelph, Royal Canin and Ashton Ridge Homes.

In September 2007 Lynnvander Productions fostered the rise of Synn Studios Inc. a 4200 square ft media production house located in Guelph on Wyndham Street. The facility houses many artists as well as full editing suites, studio Click to visit and learn more about Synn Studios!green and blue screen technology, audio engineering, a set/prop development shop and rehearsal space. In addition to the rise of Synn Studios Inc. Lynnvander also created the annual SharpCuts: Indie Music and Film Festival which elicits filmmakers internationally to partake in a festival that celebrates the union of music with film.

Synn Studios Inc. is the premier independent film, music, and art studio in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. We are a collection of creative people with widely varied talents, from cinematography to web site development. We work both as a team and individually with the tools and resources available in our studio to produce content across all mediums: Print, Film, Internet, Video, and more.

Founded in September of 2007 and incorporated in June of 2009, Synn Studios Inc. has been providing a home and springboard for local artists to launch their careers. For an example of our work, please watch the demo reel. If you are in need of any of our facilities, please don’t hesitate to give us a call today at (519) 265-7966. e.

Press Contact Information:
Synn Studios Inc.
108-121 Wyndham Street N.
Guelph ON, N1H 4E9
C. (519) 362-5756
P. (519) 265-7966

WormholeRiders. Click to visit & follow WHR on Twitter!

We will have more about Mind’s Eye in the near future. We strongly suggest you watch the series premiere to witness and enjoy for yourselves the excitement of the new web series “Mind’s Eye”!

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WR_Systems (Kenn)

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