SDCC2024 Juliens Auctions and Turner Classic Movies Auction Interview at the Iconic Comic-Con Museum!

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Welcome Back Comic-Con Museum Admirers!

San Diego Comic-Con Museum
Images courtesy Comic-Con Museum

On Tuesday July 23, 2024 WormholeRiders was granted the extraordinary honor of interviewing Kody Frederick, Director of Marketing at Julien’s Auctions and Rita Vandergaw, the Director of the Comic-Con Museum to discuss at length the “Spotlight Series: Harry Potter & Other Heroes” auction that is now accepting bids on over 120 fabulous memorabilia collectables in conjunction with Turner Classic Movies.

Final bids for these cherished items will be conducted live from the Comic-Con Museum on Sunday July 28, 2024 beginning at 10:00 am. The auction will also be streamed live at the Juliens Auction site for those who are unable to attend in person.

2024-07-23 ComicCon Museum Juliens Auction - Crop
Image by Kenn of #TeamWHR WormholeRiders

During our time at the Comic-Con Museum we were excited to learn about the Comic-Con Museum Legends program that for a largely tax deductable donation, a four day pass to the legendary (pun intended) San Diego Comic-Con 2024 is included in addition to membership at the museum!

The Comic-Con Museum Legends program will extend to 2025. so if you cannot attend this year, plan on next year to leverage your donation to this fabulous museum and pop culture convention.

2024-07-23 Kenn Rita Kody
Image by Kenn of #TeamWHR WormholeRiders

We were ecstatic when the privilege of interviewing Kody and Rita to share special knowledge about the treasured items up for auction that include purchasing a piece of movie and television history! During Comic-Con San Diego, the Comic-Con Museum and Juliens will be auctioning incomparable items including a Deadpool and Wolverine shirt screen worn by Ryan Reynolds, authentic movie memorabilia, screen used props, storyboard illustrations, signed photos and much more!

We include this revealing and insightful interview below for your enjoyment.



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About Kody Frederick and Julien’s Auction Spotlight Series:

2024-07-23 Captain America the First Avenger
Image by Kenn of #TeamWHR WormholeRiders

Kody Frederick is the Director of Marketing for Julien’s Auctions. Around the world, fans are preparing to enter the fantastic world of Turner Classic Movies and Julien’s Auctions in a fabulous collaboration “Spotlight Series: Harry Potter & Other Heroes” taking place through July 28, 2024.

This absolutely awesome auction is set to captivate fans greatest collectable desires with a superbly stunning array of pop culture treasures from Harry Potter and fabled superheroes such as Captain America whose mask is up for auction as this one of a kind event!

2024-07-23 Collectable items up for auction by TCM at Comic-Con Museum
Image by Kenn of #TeamWHR WormholeRiders

Rare artifacts and memorabilia relating to the cast and crew of the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts franchises, set dressings, crew jackets, and paint test props on offer for the first time at auction. From the film X-2 (X2: X-Men United), over forty hand-drawn storyboards by famed storyboard and comic book artist, Gabriel Hardman.

Other extraordinary heroes are represented in full force, including significant artifacts from Marvel Studios and the DC Comics Universe. The auction will also pay tribute to Warner Brothers Consumer Products’ legendary founder, Dan Romanelli, featuring items from his a personal collection. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Comic Con Museum.

2024-07-23 ComicCon Museum Juliens Auction items
Image by Kenn of #TeamWHR WormholeRiders

Imagine having the opportunity to acquire magical props from your favorite movies or production ephemera used to create these iconic films.

Not only do such items hold sentimental value, but they also serve as tangible connections to the films that have shaped our lives.

This inaugural auction is a chance to bring home a piece of nostalgia, a symbol of creativity, and a slice of the magic that makes entertainment so memorable and timeless.

Kody Frederick will be conducting the final bids for this awesome auction live beginning on Sunday July 28, 2024 at 10:00 am in the Comic-Con Museum theater!

About Rita Vandergaw and the Comic-Con Museum:

2023-07-18 Rita Vandergaw - Comic-Con Museum DirectorRita Vandergaw is the Director of the Comic-Con Museum, a division of San Diego Comic International (SDCC) a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.

SDCC and Comic-Con Museum are organized for charitable purposes, and dedicated to creating the general public’s awareness of and appreciation for comics and related popular art forms, including participation in and support of public presentations, conventions, exhibits, museums, and other public outreach activities which celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.

In addition to its San Diego Comic-Con convention each summer (the premier comics convention of its kind in the world), SDCC organizes the Anaheim-based WonderCon each spring, and the SAM: Storytelling Across Media symposium in the fall!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!We will continue reporting on our adventures in San Diego for Comic-Con 2024, including exclusive interviews, so check back soon! In the meantime, please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or family and leave your comments! We look forward to you visiting our dedicated review and analysis web site here in the future! Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit TeamWHR on Twitter, or visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and TeamWHR look forward to Seeing You on The Other Side!

Thank you. Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders (Kenn) on Twitter!

Best Regards,

Kenn of #TeamWHR

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