Josh Blacker Interview: Animal Cruelty, Vegans, Fringe and Elysium!

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Welcome to WormholeRiders You Decide!

Click to visit and follow Josh Blacker on Twitter!We are pleased to include the entire interview of our special guest host, a wonderful actor, the very talented Mr. Josh Blacker. On Sunday February 26, 2012, Josh talked about being a vegan, animal cruelty, Fringe, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe and his new film role in Elysium with us!

As mentioned previously, You Decide is brand new human interest topical audio program featured often throughout 2012 and beyond. Schedules permitting, we will bring you 40 more programs this year, taking time out only for holidays.

Individuals whom have followed the career of Josh Blacker know he will return to our screens in a new feature film appearance. The film is called Elysium to be released in the future with seasoned actors Matt Damon, Michael Shanks, legendary actress Jodie Foster and many more including the lovely Ona Grauer.

Josh is also well known to science fiction, television series, and movie fans for his exciting roles during his 20 year entertainment career including Sexual Response, My Prison Called Life, Killer Instinct, Supernatural, Stargate Atlantis, Painkiller Jane, Blood Ties, Tortured, Driven to Kill, V Series, Stargate Universe, and most recently in cult hit show Human Target!

In this weeks program we are honored to feature Mr. Blacker discussing an important health consideration, being a “Vegan” and how he came to advocate this lifestyle choice in our second “You Decide” radio program!

What is it that you will be there to “decide” on Sunday? We suggest that you tune in to listen to the program live, join the chat room, and or call in for a chance to talk with Josh Blacker yourself! Click here for the direct LIVE radio show link so you can participate this Sunday in “WHR You Decide” with Josh Blacker!

In the meantime, we include two Elysium videos, including trailer and the full movie available on YouTube to purchase for your enjoyment! Thank you and see you soon at “You Decide”!



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Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Please share this article with your friends, co-worker and or family. We would also appreciate your comments and look forward to you visiting. We look forward to seeing you in the future with our next special guest!

Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit WormholeRiders on X, WHR on Facebook or visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and the TeamWHR look forward to will Seeing You on The Other Side“!

Thank you. Click to visit and follow Kenn of Team WHR on X!

Best Regards,


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Alex Zahara of Stargate Interview: How Each of Us Can Help Stop Plastics Pollution and More!

Sat Mar 3 , 2012
Welcome to WHR Radio Where You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview with our last special guest host, a wonderful actor, the very talented Mr. Alex Zahara. On Sunday March 04, 2012, Alex talked about one of his (and our) greatest concerns, plastics pollution with you and […]

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