The Vampire Diaries: “As I Lay Dying” Dreaming of Hot Guys and Bad Ass Girls!


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Hi fans of The Vampire Diaries!

Wormholeriders News Agency is pleased to announce that we have added season three of The Vampire Diaries to our list of shows that we CW Network Banner - Click to visit will be covering in 2011-2012. I am excited to be writing the review on the season finale “As I Lay Dying”. We were left with a perfect cliffhanger for the season finale. Nothing says Thursday nights like The Vampire Diaries. There is never a boring episode and a lot happens with the teens of Mystic Falls in “As I Lay Dying”. This show is definitely not short on hot guys and bad ass girls.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Previously on TVD

When we last saw our Mystic Falls teens Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) had a tearful goodbye with Aunt Jenna Sommers (Sara Canning), Carolyn Forbes (Candice Occola) and Matt Donovan (Zach Roering) barely escaped Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) on the full moon, and Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) was coming to terms with the fact the bite he took from Tyler was gonna drive him mad just as it did Rose (Lauren Cohan). I thought for sure that Elijah (Daniel Gillies) would go through with killing Klaus (Joseph Morgan). However, Klaus pulled the “I did not kill our family card”. I would like to say I was surprised, but I was not. Elijah whisked Klaus to safety only to have his heart ripped out in the end. Literally!

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Fate awauts

In the season finale the writers brought out that side of Damon that I love! The sensitive side. Damon begs Elena for forgiveness after he made her drink his blood. It was to save her life so how could that be so bad? I guess if you do not want to be a creature of the night that feeds off of human blood it is a bad thing. If Elena knew Damon’s intentions she would have given him her forgiveness. When Damon headed home there was a song playing called “Turn to Stone” by Ingrid Michaelson. It sets the mood for what Damon had planned. After taking off his ring, yes the ring that keeps him from dying, Damon stood in front of the window and opened the curtains and lets the sun hit his skin. Just as you think he was about to die Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) saves the day! Phew! I was worried for a moment. Throwing him in the cellar was the only way he could keep Damon from hurting himself.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Turn to stone

Alaric Saltzman (Mathew Davis) was drowning his sorrows in booze over the death of his girlfriend Jenna when Stefan called him and asked him to please watch Damon for him. It was a shame Jenna was sacrificed in Klaus’s ritual. I would have loved to see more from Sara Canning on the show but after two seasons they killed her character, Jenna Sommers off. Or did they? One can only hope that they will bring her back. We have seen the dead come back on The Vampire Diaries. Sara Canning is a very nice person that my daughter and I actually had the pleasure to meet at Dragoncon this year in Atlanta.

Is it just me or does Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham) seem to have a spell to fix everything? Bonnie and Stefan turned to Emily Bennett (Bianca Lawson) for help in saving Damon from his werewolf bite. Bonnie chanted and channeled Emily’s energy. Stefan asked Emily if there was something that she knew that could save Damon’s life. Emily refused to give Stefan his answer. Emily left Bonnie and told her that she was not welcome there and the witches thought she was abusing her power. Damon burned his bridges with the witches and now he cannot cross back over. Somehow through all of that Bonnie heard the answer from the witches. The answer was Klaus! What can Klaus do to save Damon?

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - A fight for dominance

After locking Damon in the cellar Stefan headed over to the “Gone With The Wind” showing to meet up with Elena. Stefan told Elena about the werewolf bite that Damon sustained from Tyler. Of course Elena feels bad! She had practically thrown Damon out of her house that morning without giving him her forgiveness. Elena left Jeremy and Carolyn and headed over to the Salvatore mansion to help Damon. Was she doing it out of guilt or out of love? Either way Stefan had himself to blame for sending her over there. There is so much on screen chemistry between Damon and Elena that I would love to see them together. Off camera Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder are actually a couple.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Gone With the Wind

Stefan went to Klaus’s to find out what the witches meant by Klaus having the cure for Damon. Katherine Pierce (Nina Dobrev) was there waiting for Stefan to come back for her in the hopes Klaus would be dead and she would be free of his compulsion. Klaus and Elijah come home and Stefan asked Klaus to help him save his brother. Klaus said “it will have to wait because right now I have an obligation to uphold to my brother”. Elijah told Stefan that surely he understood how important family was and that he just wanted to be reunited with his family. Klaus being the evil bloodsucker that he is stabbed Elijah in the heart and said “and you shall be”.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - It is about to happen

After the death of Elijah, Klaus turned his knife on Stefan and stabbed him. He did not stab him in the heart so it was not fatal just painful. A painful reminder that Klaus had the upper hand. Stefan told Klaus that if he gave him the cure for Damon that he would do whatever Klaus wanted him to do. I did not want to hear those words from Stefan because it could have only meant that we would not see Stefan ever again. Just as I thought Klaus had plans for Stefan to leave with him and Katherine.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - The party is about to begin

He wanted to bring out that animal side of Stefan by making him drink human blood and lots of it. After Stefan agreed to go with Klaus if he gave him the cure Klaus turned on Katherine and bit her on the arm. Now that Klaus is part werewolf and part vampire one bite from him can kill a vampire. Just as she thought she was doomed to die Klaus bites his wrist and makes Katherine drink his blood. Immediately the bite healed. Klaus’s blood was the answer to saving Damon. In turn for staying with Klaus he gave Katherine a bottle of his blood and told her to take it to Damon. Klaus made Stefan kill an innocent girl which looked as if Stefan did not mind.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Ready for the kill

Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) paid a visit to sheriff Liz Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) and told her that if she cannot get a handle on the vampire situation she would find someone who could. Liz is determined to put an end to Damon once and for all. Just as Elena was showing up to check on Damon Sheriff Forbes grabbed her and went inside the house. Alaric was getting blood for Damon out of the cooler when Liz locked him in the room and went for Damon. Alaric warned her but we all know she does not listen well when it comes to vampires. Seeing Damon passed out on the floor Liz thought it was safe to go in and kill Damon. After the deputy opened the door and Liz walked in Damon struck her from behind and escaped. Alaric called and warned Jeremy that Damon had escaped and they needed to find him. Bonnie, Carolyn and Jeremy headed out to find him.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - When will it happen

Damon was spotted at the grill and Sheriff Forbes headed over to there to find him and ordered the deputy to keep Elena there. When Jeremy got to the grill he saw Damon so he called Bonnie and told her he had found Damon. The Sheriff walks in and aims her gun at Damon and shoots Jeremy. Of course, Damon was gone! Coming in Carolyn and Bonnie find Jeremy bleeding out on the floor. Carolyn tried to get Jeremy to drink her blood but he was already gone. Alaric showed up and Bonnie told them she knew what she needed to do. The Sheriff tells them they cannot leave but Carolyn convinces her mother to let them take Jeremy.

Bonnie and Alaric took Jeremy back to the house in the woods that the witches inhabited and started a ritual to try and bring Jeremy back. The witches were not very happy with Bonnie for coming back to the house but she begged Emily to help her save Jeremy because she loved him. Just when all the candles blow out and you think that this was the end for Jeremy he opened his eyes. I was very happy to see this because the show would not be the same without him. After getting Jeremy home Alaric decides to stay with Jeremy. Does this mean that maybe Alaric will be a father figure for Elena and Jeremy? Maybe season 3 will give us that answer.

The Vampir Diaries S2x22 - Two key figures

In the meantime Elena was breaking out of Sheriff’s office by throwing a chair through the window! She really wanted to get to Damon before Liz did. Elena found Damon at the “Gone With The Wind” showing and urged him to go with her. He was confusing the present with the past and thought Elena was Katherine so he bit her. She was begging him to stop because he was hurting her. Finally realizing it was Elena Damon let go of her. She took him back to his house and put him in his bed.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - In the theatre
Elena promised Damon that she would stay with him to the very end. Damon told Elena that all those years he had blamed Stefan for making him love Katherine but he realized it was not Stefan’s fault at all. It was his choice and he wanted Elena to tell Stefan that. Damon apologized to Elena for everything he had done to hurt her and he wanted her to know he loved her.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Feeding time

Speaking of the devil, Elena walks in with the cure in her hand after overhearing what Damon and Elena are talking about. Katherine gives Damon Klaus’s blood and tells him she owed him one. Before leaving she told Elena that Stefan had turned himself over to Klaus in order to save his brother. That he had sacrificed everything to include her. Katherine told Elena it was ok to love them both because she did.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Feeding of the clan

At the very end of the episode Jeremy was woke up by a noise in the house and went downstairs to check and see what it was. A girl was following him and spoke his name. When Jeremy turned around it was Anna (Malese Jow). Another voice came from behind him and when he turned he saw his ex girlfriend Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell). A very nice way to end season 2. I hope there will be more of Vicki in season 3. If two that were killed can come back from the dead, maybe that leaves hope that Aunt Jenna will return.

The Vampire Diaries S2x22 - Aghast at the end

Here we are looking forward to the 22 episodes in season three of The Vampire Diaries returning to the CW Network on September 15, 2011!

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Dragonbayne (Angela)

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