Chuck Cast Interviews with Adam Baldwin, Zachary Levi and Kristen Kruek

Courtesy NBC Universal - Click to visit!

Hi There Chuck Fans!

All our thank thanks to NBCClick to visit Chuck on NBC Comcast for these wonderful interviews with the cast of Chuck! For the preview of the second half of season three with “Chuck Versus The Fake Name” we have interviews featuring .

This season on Chuck (Zachary Levi) favorite spy and nice guy is going through a transformation from regular guy to real spy. And he’s become the government’s most important secret agent.

Chuck Interviews About New Cast and Guest Stars – Part 1 – Courtesy NBC



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Kenn of #TeamWHR

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Final "Battlestar Galactica" Props and Costume Auction Continues through March 07

Tue Mar 2 , 2010
Hey Battlestar and Caprica Fans! Wow! Our apologies to SyFy and NBC Universal! My bad! Must have missed this when out of town last week working on Star Trek memorabilia collection inventory! What did I miss posting? Why none other than the fantastic auction of Battlestar Galactica props and costumes. […]

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