Hi Stargate Universe Fans!
July 20, 2009 3:00 PM Update: It’s official according to our sources and SyFy’s own website! SGU will premiere Friday October 2, 2009 at 10:00 PM eastern time, 7:00 PM pacific time on SyFy (7:00 PM pacific if you get eastern SyFy feed on your cable or satellite television service). YAYAYAY! Let’s hope that Syfy does not change their schedule! LOL!
Original Post: Unnamed source in Hollywood (who desires to remain anonymous), states that SGU is tentatively scheduled to air the first two of three parts of the news series (season opener) starting October 2, 2009. The third episode is tentatively set to air in early 2010! YAY!
Our sources indicate that SyFy has yet to confirm this date! Yikes! We will post a confirmation ASAP of the actual once SyFy let’s us all know!
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Best Regards,
Kenn of #TeamWHR