Morena Baccarin to Star in “V” Remake!

Hi Stargate and Science Fiction Fans!

morenabaccarin-newMany have wondered what some of the Stargate actors and actresses are doing now. All of us know about SGU and guest appearances by several of our favorite characters. This is the first of our new series featuring the stars of Stargate and what they are doing now!

Much loved (or hated) as perhaps the best female villain in Stargate SG-1 and Ark of Truth, our dear Adria ‘The Orici” (Morena Baccarin) is starring in a remake of the great 1980’s era mini-series “V”!

Morena is currently filming  the new “V Series” which will be seen on ABC network starting in February 2010 (Season 1, Episode 1).  Many enjoyed the original “V” ‘bad girl’ ‘Diana’ played by Jane Balder and were sad to see it’s demise. 

Morena plays what appears to be the “Diana’ replacement ‘Anna’, the leader of the evil race looking for a new food source, the people of Earth! Sounds a little like the Wraith in Stargate Atlantis or the web site Hulu? However,  “V” had both beaten by 20 years with us humans as tasty alien snacks!

We wish Morena best of luck in her career with this new series! We simply can’t wait until next year to see her in the new “V” (2010)!  Of interesting note is another actor appears with Morena that you may remember, Alan Tudyk (Firefly – Serenity). Alan will play the role of Dale Maddox in the new “V” series.

WormholeRiders has recenty posted a music video news tribute to the great actress Morena Baccarin at WormholeRiders Dot Com. After a fantastic show of fan support, our Adria “If You Seek A Me” video can still be viewed at our Video Archives.

More news about Morena and “V” coming in the future. Here is the video:



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Best Regards,

Kenn of #TeamWHR

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Claudia Black and Stargate at the Constellation Awards!

Sun Jul 19 , 2009
Here are the winners of Constellation Awards, notably Claudia Black and her award and those Stargate received or were nominated for! Hi Stargate and Farscape Fans!   WormholeRiders sends sincere congratulations to Claudia Black for winning the Constellation Award for her portrayal of Quetesh and Vala Mal Doran in Stargate: Continuum! The […]

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