Hello, my fellow Debris fans, I hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I have. With each episode we are getting more and more pieces of the puzzle as well as pieces of the debris. We are starting to also get a glimpse more into the lives of the […]
Legendary Studios
Welcome Back Debris Lovers and WormholeRiders, The fourth fantastic episode of Debris, “In Universe”, reveals many details only hinted at in previous episodes by series creator and executive producer J.H. Wyman, who also wrote this episode. STOP READING NOW AS MAJOR SPOILERS LAY AHEAD. In the first two episodes we […]
Welcome Back Debris Lovers and WormholeRiders, Now with three episodes of Debris under our belts, there is no doubt this is the most significant new science fiction based drama series that has been released in 2021! WormholeRiders gives the “Solar Winds” episode of Debris an “A PLUS” for reasons we […]
Hello, my fellow Debris fans, I hope you enjoyed this latest episode as much as I did. With just two episodes aired already we can clearly see the influence and parallels between that other sci-fi show that J.H. Wyman was involved in that goes by the name of Fringe. Certain […]
Welcome Back WormholeRiders, A brand new program named Debris, arrived on our television screens tonight. Debris explores a science based subject that is certain to make viewers on the NBC Network absolutely ecstatic. Kudos to NBC Universal making Debris become reality in 2021! As you are aware, TeamWHR loves science […]