Well Fringe fans this is it, my very last Fringe review, ever. Sad, I know, it has been an incredible journey these last five years. We have seen characters come and go and return again. We have seen shapeshifters, parallel universes, things that no human being should ever bear witness […]
April Webster
Welcome back Fringe fans for our final series of reviews in this timeline, How does one write about the apparent end of Fringe during ones final analysis for such an epic science fiction drama series that has brought excellence to our screens for five years? Was it The End of […]
Welcome back Fringies! As we approach the end of one of the most epic science fiction dramatic television series produced within the past quarter century, we take pause to remember those whose contributions have made the Fringe series one of the most beloved in all of televised entertainment history! […]
Hello Fringe fans. Heck of an episode, huh? Well, let me say that I am still conflicted about what Peter is doing. On one hand I can completely understand, but on the other, he is doing himself and the team a grave disservice. There are all kinds of clichés that […]
Hello Fringe fans! What an episode we had last week, huh? The most heartbreaking point of the story told here so far, the death of Etta Bishop (Georgina Haig) and how the Bishop family dealt with it. This tragic circumstance has motivated the Fringe Team to fight even harder to […]
Well Fringe fans, this past episode rendered me shocked and speechless. My tissue box is minus a dozen or so tissues and my heart is broken. For everyone that has seen this episode you clearly know the reasons why. Fringe has pulled out all the stops and then some, as […]
Hello fellow Fringe fans, It has been a wild ride that has almost come to an end. In this episode, part one of the two part season finale (sounds better than series finale, does not it?), we get some questions answered and even more questions asked. I am very happy […]