Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and a Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays WormholeRiders!

US Capital and Christmas Tree
Image courtesy United States of America

As we enter our seventeenth year of operations, we here at Team WHR have been most fortunate over the past years to have been graced with your presence. Thank you.

You have helped WormholeRiders News Agency grow from a single site, to dozens of blogs and over thirty-five websites, including the exciting WHR You Decide (click here to visit the official WHR You Decide web pages) which was migrated here in the recent past!

To express our gratitude, we include one of our most popular, traditional holiday music videos to share some of life’s simple pleasures with you during the special festive season.

Whether you celebrate a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Happy Kwanzaa, are of another Faith, or elect to not celebrate at all, please remember to consider helping those less fortunate in the world with genuine charity in your heart.




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Be honest with others, and critically, be honest with yourself. Do not lie, cheat or steal in an effort to obfuscate what you have done or seek unfair advantage over others. Instead, seek enlightenment, freely sharing your knowledge with all worthy souls on our fair planet. Lastly, express gratitude to those upon whom you have trespassed, yet forgave you despite your having been less than forthright in life. Thank you.

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!The WormholeRiders Team will return after the Christmas Holiday. We wish all a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year with safe travels to and from for those visiting family!

Please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or family by clicking one of the icons below. We thank you for visiting and express our sincere gratitude.

Feel free to visit WormholeRiders on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and Team WHR look forward to Seeing You on The Other Side next year!

Thank you. Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders (Kenn) on Twitter!

Best Regards,

Kenn of Team WHR

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