The Ark Interview – Samantha Glassner’s Career Blasts Off!

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Welcome Back Samantha Glassner and The Ark Science Fiction Lovers,

Samantha Glassner
Image courtesy Samantha Glassner

On Thursday April 13, 2023 we had the honor and privilege to interviewing Samantha Glassner, one of the most gifted and gorgeous new actresses to burst upon our television screens!

During our interview time with superb Samantha, we discussed her career goals in general, and in specific, her professional acting education, and how she joined the cast on the hit television series The Ark portraying the complex strong female character Kelly Fowler for six outstanding episodes!

Samantha joined The Ark crew and passengers beginning in episode seven when it was discovered she was apparently the sole survivor of an attack on Ark-3 by unknown forces. The Kelly character garnered much sympathy as a result. Until the end of the episode when Kelly stole an Ark-3 pistol from their armory while conducting a final search for items of value raising questions about Kelly’s motivations.

The Ark S1x07 Felix asks the young woman about family
Image courtesy SYFY

Subsequently, Samantha’s character, Kelly Fowler, played an ever growing role in the series story ark on the ship that rescued her, Ark-1. This includes when Kelly used the stolen weapon to escape. Upon Kelly’s return to Ark-15 we learned that she was actually on a secret mission for nefarious purposes are we delineated in our reviews and analysis concluding with episode eleven “The Last Thing You Ever Do”. The episode title is a trademark line that Samantha uses in that penultimate episode that it is actually named for.

As the series concludes it’s first year, we hope that Kelly Fowler will find some affection from her mother in the season one finale, not just the tough love that has shaped Kelly’s character. We sincerely thank Ms. Glassner for a wonderful interview and also thank Patricia Stewart who submitted questions for the interview for Team WHR. We look forward to seeing more of Samantha’s awesome talent in the future!



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About Samantha Glassner:

The Ark S1x11 Kelly has a crush on Angus
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings, courtesy SYFY

Samantha Glassner is an outstanding up and coming actress born in Vancouver British Columbia and raised in Los Angeles. She began performing at the tender age of five and always wanted to become an actress.

Samantha is a dual citizen of both Canada and the United States and plans to work in both places. She is a graduate of Northwestern University and has studied acting previously in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Prague, and Vancouver. Most recently you can catch her in a recurring role on a great new new hit series, SYFY’s The Ark.

The Ark S1x11 Kelly is betrayed by Angus
Image courtesy SYFY

Samantha Glassner graduated from Northwestern University in 2021 with a Bachelor Science degree in Theater and psychology. Samantha has also received training at the prestigious Prague Film School, in the Czech Republic, at the Young Actor workspace, NYU Tisch, the American Academy for the Dramatic arts, and more. She is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, born in Vancouver but raised in Los Angeles.

Samantha’s Theatre credits include Clued Inn, Hollow Bones, 12 Angry Jurors, and The Odd Couple. Her film and television credits include The Ark (SYFY), Panic (Independent film), The Coffin (Independent film), and November (Independent Film). Samantha is grateful and excited to have been a part of The Ark and to have worked with such a talented cast and crew. She looks forward as it proceeds to a second hit season!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!We will be back in the near future with more of The Ark as well as our favorite television series and movie analysis. In the meantime, please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or family and leave your comments! We look forward to you visiting our dedicated review and analysis web site here in the future! Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit TeamWHR on Twitter, or visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and TeamWHR look forward to Seeing You on The Other Side!

Thank you. Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders (Kenn) on Twitter!

Best Regards,

Kenn of #TeamWHR

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