Killjoys: Is Last Dance An End of an Era in Science Fiction Space Opera or a New Beginning?

Killjoys Banner 2019

Welcome back Killjoys!

Killjoys Lucy aka Tamsen McDonough
Killjoys images and video clip courtesy of SYFY, CTVSciFi, and Killjoys on Twitter

In the superb series finale of Killjoys, written by Michelle Lovretta and Directed by Stefan Pleszczynski, viewers were in for a somewhat rare treat, the orderly wrap of a science fiction series story arc after five years of bringing sheer joy to their fans.

The advance planning of the series creators, producers and hosting networks ended the series on an upbeat note.

This careful preparation was not lost on the fans. In fact an orderly end to Killjoys was highly appreciated by everyone including all here at Team WHR.

S5x10 A Prayer at the beginning of the end
Killjoys S5x10 A Prayer at the beginning of the end

The exciting tenth episode of season five starts with an enchanting monologue featuring epic haunting music echoing the Killjoys theme and adventures over the past five seasons that I loved!

We include a looping audio video clip below the quotation for your enjoyment (volume is muted on the first loop one. Per the new HTML5 specification it is required you to select volume to enjoy the loop while reading our analysis):

Every story begins with a lie
Every story begins with a lie

“Every story begins with a lie, that’s the job of beginnings, to tell you you’re safe, that all of this lasts and nothing will change. But underneath there are signs, of your true story, who made you, who harmed you, and what battles you were born to fight. You won’t want to hear it yet, so you’ll run, live, collect the things that matter along the way, an oath, your team, a home! Only then will you see the real enemy… HER! Last of a dying race come to destroy ours! She has her ships and her slaves, but you have them, the strange messy impossible family, full of enemies and siblings, lovers, and hope! It doesn’t matter how your story begins, it’s about who’s with you at the end!”

Michelle Lovretta - Killjoys creator
Michelle Lovretta – Killjoys creator

In the considered opinion of this editor, Killjoys has turned out to be more than a lovely story about our heroes in The Quad, bounty hunters somewhere in endlessness of outer space. Our beloved series filled our lives with action, adventure and mystery never to be forgotten!

Ultimately, Killjoys is science fiction romance Space Opera, in essence a love story, created by the marvelous Michelle Lovretta and her tremendous team including fourth and fifth season Show Runner Adam Barken, Andrea Boyd, Julian Doucet and so many more that brought absolute joy to our lives during late spring and summer Friday evenings on SYFY and CTVSciFi!

Killjoys S5x10 Lucy forever in our Family
Lucy forever in our Family

Prior to the series ending episode “Last Dance”, fans were thrilled once again with an almost “in the flesh” appearance of Lucy (Tamsen McDonough) near the middle of season five.

Embodied as a holograph, the android space ship guest star was featured in an earlier episode with season five after sacrificing herself to save our heroes. Killjoys admirers always loved Lucy as a character beyond her ever present lovely voice of the ship.

Killjoys S5x10 Our Killjoys Team Too
Our Killjoys Team will live forever in our hearts and minds

Additionally, many of favorite Killjoys characters turned out to be heroes in the end, specifically, Khlyen (Rob Stewart), Pree (Thom Allison), Zeph (Kelly McCormack) and Fancy Lee (Sean Baek), each facing dark and evil challenges along the way to the “Last Dance”.

Killjoys S5x10 Khylen kidnapped Dutch in the very ship
Khylen kidnapped Dutch to save her in the very ship where it began

Khlyen in the end was shown to truly love his girls and tricked The Lady at nearly every turn. Fancy, long suspected over the seasons as a “bad guy” ultimately helped save Dutch, Johnny, Pree and D’avin!

I cannot adequately express how so many have had so much fun live tweeting Killjoys, a very well done creative campy Space Opera.

Some reviewers said Killjoys would never make it past the first season. Team WHR was more than pleased that these so called critics were incorrect.

Last Dance:

Killjoys S5x10 Our Killjoys Team
Our Killjoys Team

Normally, we would include the one of great songs that are featured in our Killjoys episodic series analysis in what we refer to as our “Music News Series”. Each week over the past five seasons, fabulous songs and music themes have been utilized by the Killjoys composers.

However, the “Last Dance” introduction was so poignant, a story of life that all can relate to in this episode and the entire series, we decided to include the looping video clip above.

Killjoys S5x10 New Lord Governor Pree and Gared
New Lord Governor Pree and Gared

As we begin our “Last Dance” analysis, let us reflect on the romantic pairings that were well set by the fifth season of Killjoys. As of “I Love Lucy” in season two, there were only three couples. The lovers then were confirmed as Johnny (Aaron Ashmore) and Pawter (Sarah Power), Dutch (Hannah John-Kamen) and D’avin (Luke Macfarlane). By the end of the series Gared (Gavin Fox) was reunited with Pree (Thom Allison) content in their love and relationship.

Killjoys S2x01 Bellus provides intel on how to control the shield
Killjoys S2 Bellus provides intel on how to control the shield

Three characters we had hoped would somehow return were Pippin (Atticus Mitchell) to Zeph, Bellus Haardy (Nora McLellan) and Pawter (Sarah Power). Pippin will be restored to The Quad to love Zeph.

But alas, as in life, Bellus and Pawter were casualties whose fate could not be altered by the end of the “Last Dance”, and perhaps can never be changed.

The best news in the “Last Dance”? Zeph will be reunited with Pippin, and Pree is to be promoted by episode end to the Governor General, the de-facto leader of Westerly by Delle Seyah Kendry (Mayko Nguyen)!

S5x10 The Lady asks Jaq do you know who I am
The Lady asks Jaq do you know who I am

To the sheer delight of Killjoys everywhere, we hear Lucy near the beginning and in group of a fun sequences near the end of the episode when she helps save our heroes from the clutches of The Lady (Alanna Bale).

The Lady is really a human being who has been enslaved by the vile alien out to conquer human kind. Thankfully, she is ultimately saved by the Killjoys from the hideous creatures aboard the mother ship who is planning to enslave humanity for all time!

On that note (pun intended), I am proud to confess that the opening sequence of the episode is so well done, that I listened to that 102 second portion of the “Last Dance” dozens of times on my DVR after the episode airing. I also listened on continuous loop while writing this analysis as inspiration.

Killjoys S5x10 A hug at the beginning of the end
A hug at the beginning of the end

After the epic flashback introduction segment of 102 seconds, our “Last Dance” episode opens with our Killjoys hero team giving each other a huge huge hug for good luck on a mountain top.

This after after Westerly has been decimated during the conflict creating many refugees in dire need of help which will be addressed if Pree survives to return to help the poor, helpless survivors.

As our heroes prepare their final mission, the assault on The Lady to free humanity from extinction and slavery, we all hope that everything goes well!

S5x10 Time to rise little man
The Lady says time to rise little man to Jaq

Things appear to not be going well for Jaq (Jaeden Noel), The Lady has abducted him from the cube. In reality, Jaq is planning on using himself as bait and is preparing his mind for when she steals his body because it has special survivability powers.

Segue to Delle Seyah Kendry who has brought Aneela for an unexpected visit with the wealthy Kin Rits. Aneela and Delle Seyah demand weapons and ordnance for the coming war.

At first they suggest bringing it up at the next council meeting. However, there is simply no time for that, but they don’t care. When the Kin Rits learn Aneela is Hullen, they quickly change their minds and cooperate.

Killjoys S5x10 Khlyen and Dutch captured
Khlyen and Dutch captured

Dutch is doing her part in the plan to trap The Lady away from her slavish guards on the mother ship, bringing a chained Khlyen to the Cube. Dutch’s plan is to use Khlyen as bait for The Lady allowing themselves to be captured.

Dutch utilizes a hologram transmitted to The Lady’s mother ship after letting The Lady know Khlyen will die from a time release poison she injected into his neck. The Lady comes to the Cube so she can say goodbye to Khlyen, but she has no intention of losing her chance to get Khlyen back!

Jaq has escaped from his cell on the mother ship and arrives to help save his father. Instead Jaq is shot by a guard. When he comes to, Jaq tells D’avin how he how he planned it after experiencing nightmarish visions of the future. The set up was deliberate to save his father and the Killjoys from The Lady.

Killjoys S5x10 The Lady makes them dance
The Lady makes them dance

The Lady infiltrates the cube, but what The Lady doesn’t know is that Lucy has activated a shield around the planet trapping The Lady. Next we see that The Lady has other powers to control Dutch and Khlyen.

She gives the antidote to the poison running through Khlyen’s system. Although distracted, The Lady tells Dutch she will be killed by Khlyen, first making then dance and point weapons at each other after placing mind control devices around their necks!

Killjoys S5x10 Zeph with Pippin
Zeph finds Pippin on The Ladys mother ship

Back on The Lady’s mother ship, Lucy has informed Zeph of an alert from one of the patients down in the ship’s laboratory. Zeph is perplexed since she had no patients in the laboratory.

When she goes exploring, she finds her lost love Pippin! Ripping Pippin out of a cocoon, it becomes apparent that The Lady has been keeping him, and other bodies imprisoned, no doubt for some evil experiments on human beings!

Killjoys S5x10 The Lady makes them point guns at each other
The Lady makes them point guns at each other

Inside the cube, The Lady is forcing Khlyen and Dutch to fight kill Dutch so she can save Khlyen. Dutch plunges a knife deep into his belly. After that, Dutch goes to town on the mind control collar The Lady placed on her neck.

Back on The Lady’s mother ship, D’avin, Johnny, and Jaq have placed a bomb inside an atmospheric control conduit that is connected to The Lady’s nursery of evil little aliens. The bomb is immediately sucked up and sent into the cell holding one of The Lady’s most developed evil baby aliens which is killed immediately paralyzing The Lady in the process. Dutch quickly shoots The Lady ending the stand off in the Cube.

Killjoys S5x10 Johhnys beloved adopted sister Zeph
Johnny’s beloved adopted sister Zeph

Meanwhile back in her own laboratory, Zeph remains a bit suspicious of Pippin’s health. Zeph is worrying that Pippin may still be infested with some sort of implanted organism from The Lady.

However, Pippin ready for some loving after being caccooned urges her to quit her scrutinizing his vitals and instead join him to celebrate his return at her side!

Killjoys S5x10 I am going to miss this
Dutch says I am going to miss this

The Killjoys and their reformulated cadre of bounty hunters are celebrating as well after defeating The Lady. Suddenly Turin (Patrick Garrow) arrives with some very bad news. The Lady had launched a fleet of baby alien ships to destinations outside The Quad prior to visiting the Cube!

Killjoys S5x10 The Lady and the Doll from the Box
The Lady and the Doll from the Box

We learn that that this is why Dutch did not kill The Lady since the Killjoys might need additional information from her in the future.

Dutch gives The Lady a clear cut choice. Tell them where the evil baby aliens are, or Dutch will kill her. The Lady is left in a room with a box that we learn contains a baby doll to let her think about things.

Killjoys S5x10 A kiss in the green too
A kiss in the green too

As the episode winds down to a happy ending, we witness Aneela and Delle Seyah loving each other back in the green, safely sharing an infusion of the remaining green.

Finally Johnny is set on taking a vacation from his Killjoys duties as soon as he, D’avin and Dutch set out on one last mission together. They’re about to blast some some evil baby alien ass out of existence forever, or will they?!

Killjoys S5x10 Dibs on the big alien one
Killjoys Dutch says she was dibs on the big alien one

Of interest to this editor and millions of fans the world over who cannot help but wonder if series creator Michele Lovretta will bring all of us more adventures in The Quad inspired by the “Last Dance” cliff hanger conclusion? With The Lady and her evil little alien monsters loose outside The Quad it would make for a great mini-series or a series of movies!

We certainly hope movies, spin-offs, or mini series become manifest in the future, because as Dutch said at the end of “Last Dance”… I am going to miss this!

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Kenn of #TeamWHR

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