Hiya Farscape and Stargate Fans!
Ever wondered when WHR would post a ‘cross-over’ Farscape Stargate only music news video? Well today is the day! What day? Why it is CaramelMonkey’s birthday and WHR has something special for her from a special album named ‘Monkey Business’ Can you guess who? We All Shall See!
CaramelMonkey is pictured left with her image used here and on Twitter. Today, is the day we have all been waiting for! Happy Birthday wishes to Ms. CaramelMonkey! (Click on image to the left to visit CaramelMonkey on Twitter where her alternate identity will be revealed).
Except for the artist intro as is prescribed, it is mostly Ben and Claudia . YAY! 😛
Happy Birthday CaramelMonkey, we love you! Claudia and Ben too!
Note: Set your master volume to 50%, Intro sequence is supposed to be low volume. Be ready for a ‘Monkey Business’ music news video after the introduction. It is suggested if you are overseas to allow the birthday news video to buffer completely for best experience. Enjoy!
Hahah thank you! 😀
I love it!