SGU: Their Love is Our Battlefield – Defend Stargate!


Hey Stargate Fans,

MGM-LionAs WHR “switch hits” back to coverage of the outstanding work by SYFY and MGM Studios syfy-logo11regarding Stargate Universe, this music news report focuses on the once controversial subjects of unwed parenthood and Lesbian love.

Stargate Universe addresses these subjects in a recent episode which is considered by many to be one of the finest television episodes ever released. Now thankfully considered ‘normal’, our compliments to the geniuses whom have portrayed these subjects in a most sensitive manner.

Stargate Universe S1x10 promo is also included below. Enjoy!



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Best Regards,

Kenn of #TeamWHR

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Chicago 2009: Chicago Loves Amanda!

Wed Dec 2 , 2009
Hello WormholeRiders! Well here it is, at long last! Amanda Tapping from the Creation Entertainment Chicago Stargate 2009 Convention! I’ve got to say that never have I been so happy to know short hand! It helped a great deal in getting all of the details. It’s not 100% accurate but […]

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