Welcome Back The Ark fans, The second episode of season two begins when the series main characters including Captain Sharon Garnet (Christie Burke), Lt. Spencer Lane (Reece Ritchie), Lt. James Brice (Richard Fleeshman), Dr. Sanjivni Kabir (Shalini Peiris), Angus Medford (Ryan Adams) and Alicia Nevins (Stacey Read), Eva Markovic (Tiana […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Lovers, The superb first episode of season 2 sets the foundation for the new adventures moving the series story arc effectively after the creative cliffhanger conclusion of the first season of The Ark. As we reported last year, Team WHR is ecstatic that this […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Lovers, As we posted on X on May 28, we of The Ark Residents here at TeamWHR are ecstatic that The Ark is returning to SYFY on July 17, 2024 one week before San Diego Comic-Con! Admirers will recall that The Ark is set […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Lovers, The exciting tenth and eleventh episode set the foundation for the season one finale coming next week. As we move to the conclusion of the first season of The Ark, we are ecstatic that this superb science fiction space saga has been renewed […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Lovers, The nerve-racking ninth episode represents a major, and enjoyable pivot in the story arc as we move to the conclusion of the first season of The Ark. Our heroes must contend with a a full blown mutiny aboard Ark-1 subsequent to William Trust […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Space Saga Lovers, The eighth exciting episode of The Ark, “Every Single Person Matters” was written by Dean Devlin, Rebecca Rosenberg and Kendall Lampkin. The episode was directed by Orsi Nagypal. I “Every Single Person Matters” enjoyed because it focused on several aspects of […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Lovers, The scintillating seventh episode presents our heroes with a conundrum, the discovery of Ark-3 which launched from Earth years after their ship, Ark-1 pivots in a story arc turning point for viewers. Yet somehow Ark-3 is ahead of them subsequent to the “Two […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Lovers, Our grade for this series remains a straight A for excellent work by the developers, writers, and directors regarding their conscientious character development and realistic interactions, fast moving well thought out story arcs, and for the fabulous fun of bringing science fiction space […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Lovers, The characters in the series provide drama, mystery and action that is balanced with interspersed flashbacks and comic relief making this new science fiction space drama a pure joy to watch each week. As a result of this outstanding work, the Team WHR […]
Welcome Back The Ark Science Fiction Drama Fans, Dean Devlin has been responsible for many Science Fiction shows and movies during his long career including Independence Day and Stargate that he and his showrunner for The Ark, Jonathan Glassner of Stargate SG-1 fame have created. Both of these talented veterans […]