Welcome back Helsingers and WormholeRiders! The fifth episode of season five, “Sisterhunt” takes us on an adventure with Violet (Keeya King) and members of Ivory’s (Jennifer Cheon Garcia) Sisterhood, specifically Zuma (Kat Ruston), Mira (Briana Skye) and Claire (Christina Meredith Lewall). The episode takes places subsequent to Violet and Ivory […]
Aleks Paunovic
Briana Skye
Chad Oakes
Christina Meredith Lewall
Dynamic Television
Echo Lake Entertainment
Gorrman Lee
Heather Doerksen
Jennifer Cheon
Jonathan Scarfe
Kat Ruston
Keeya King
Kelly Overton
Kimani Ray Smith
Mike Frislev
Neil LaBute
Nicole Muñoz
Tricia Helfer
Van Helsing
Van Helsing S5x05 Sisterhunt