Hey Fringe Fans, First of all, to clear up any lingering confusion, this episode was a bonus un-aired episode from Season 1 of Fringe. If I hadn’t known this going into the episode, I’m sure I would have been confused, given that Charlie Francis – Olivia’s murdered FBI partner – […]


Hello Fringe fans, The focus of season 1 was primarily on establishing the characters we’ve come to know and love, as well as on the pursuit of ZFT. However, there was a shift at the beginning of season 2 to a “bigger picture” plot; that being, the inevitable conflict between […]


“When the threat is unimaginable, that is when we are at the door” – Phillip Broyles Imagine a reality where the very laws of nature no longer seem to hold sway. A reality where words like “alternate universe” and “shape-shifters” are part of the everyday vernacular on the job. A […]

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