Fair Use

WormholeRiders News AgencyClick to visit and follow WormholeRiders New Agency on Twitter!

Welcome WormholeRiders!

WormholeRiders News Agency also known as Team WHR covers series and conventions including The Expanse, Treadstone, Van Helsing, Pandora, Killjoys, 12 Monkeys, Alphas, Stargate, Falling Skies, Caprica, Chuck, Sanctuary, Fringe, Eureka, Primeval, Supernatural, Warehouse 13, The Event, Terra Nova, The Neighbors, The Vampire Diaries, V Series, and many more.

Team WHR has also makes Public Service, and Charity announcements.

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The WormholeRiders Team uses copyrighted material in a responsible manner consistent for all such media to the owners within our entertainment news reporting matrix. Below is a brief history of such use and a white paper on the topic Click to visit the fabled MGM Studioswhich documents our position on use of such materials.

When we opened in early 2009 after years of planning, Team WHR initially focused on Stargate convention coverage by Creation Entertainment.

In the spring of 2009 we became aware that Stargate was returning in the fall of that year in a new form, Stargate Click to visit and learn more about the CW Network!Universe (SGU). We subsequently added more conventions and episodic series.

SyFy Logo - Click to learn more about Imagining Greater at Syfy!During the summer of 2009 Team WHR requested (and were honored by the faith in our rapidly growing news agency) various permissions which were received from SYFY, ABC, CBS’s CW, FOX, NBC and originally from MGM Studios regarding various series and movies that they produce.

SGU was featured as our first television episodic which we began supporting in July 2009. Subsequently we were approved to receive the Stargate Universe Press Kit Courtesy of SYFY prior to the premiere. We include a music video below with a theme based on the evil Ori Queen for your enjoyment.

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After careful consideration and input from our visitors whom were as interested following the careers of Stargate celebrities as Click to visit and learn more at Disney Dot Com!our growing team was, and with support from ABC Networks and Disney Studios with our love for the original ABC V mini-series, we soon added coverage of the V Series featuring the wonderful actress Morena Baccarin who portrayed Adria on Stargate SG-1.

Click to visit and learn more about NBC Universal!

Click to visit and learn more about the ABC Network!Shortly thereafter in the late fall of 2009 (per many requests from our growing number of visitors to the television news site), the WormholeRiders Team also began coverage of other episodic series including the wonderful Amanda Tapping featured in her web to broadcast series Sanctuary and Adam Baldwin in Chuck as seen on NBC Networks owned by NBC Universal Comcast.

As time progressed we have added other networks and series in 2010 that features Stargate celebrities and other actors and Click to visit Warner Brothers Entertainment!actresses of interest to the fandoms such as Fringe produced by Warner Brothers Studios as seen on FOX Networks owned by Twentieth Century Fox, The Vampire Diaries on the CW, Terra Nova as seen on FOX and Supernatural also on the CW Network!

In fact we have expanded so much since we began, covering so many series, we realized that a reorganization was in order. Therefore, beginning in October 2011, each series we cover will have its own news site to make things easier for our visitors to find!

One of our specialties is “Reporting Live from the Convention” news coverage in detailed follow up reports which may use video Click to visit and learn more about 20th Century Fox Television!and or images courtesy of the convention producers many of which are copyrighted. Access is provided to these events for news use only.

WormholeRiders News Agency science fiction, movie and Convention Corners news sites are devoted to posting news often with a “wormhole” or science fiction point of view as seen in many movies and series over the last 60 years since the early 1950’s when science fiction in the movies made history with notable famous hits like MGM’s 1953 “War of the Worlds”, “The Day the Earth Stood Still”, and the 1956 MGM classic, “Forbidden Planet”” all of whom that set the genre for special effects for generations to come!

WormholeRiders News Agency adheres to United States Code Title 17, also known as “Fair Use” with regard to use of copyrighted materials. As defined within USC Title 17, WormholeRiders News Agency use of copyrighted materials is for news, parody, education, and or critiques of past or current news events. Therefore, our on-line text, image and video news posts may use copyrighted materials as is appropriate for an on-line news agency.
For information on USC Title 17 “Fair Use”, please reference the United States Code link below: Thank you.
Your Friends with the WormholeRiders News Agency Team!

WormholeRiders News Agency White Paper – Piracy or Fair Use?

WormholeRiders News Agency does not support piracy in its worst form (providing free downloads of movies, music or television shows), or for that matter, in any form. We decry such practices. In fact in our past life experiences, the WormholeRiders reporters themselves have created anti-piracy campaigns to stop this scourge. We will continue to do so in the future.

Could a perception exist that some Fair Use line is crossed when an original music video or MP-3 is provided “free” of charge by some of the largest cable, satellite, movie, and or music companies that are “Fairly Used” within an on-line news report?

This raises an interesting question. Does the providing of a “free” music video by huge corporations constitute piracy and or are they promoting piracy? Do the operations of a web site by one of the largest movies studios which permits uploading of music videos with copyrighted content constitute or promote piracy?Casual observation by a reactionary individual may seem to indicate the answer is yes, when in fact the answer is a resounding no!

Let us consider what is the definition of the word free and is the providing of a “free” music video depriving the artist of revenue, thereby constituting piracy? First, investigation would reveal that the artist was indeed compensated at the industry standard rates.Second, the so-called “free” distribution actually promotes the artists, ultimately increasing the revenue stream for the cable company and thereby continuing the ability of the company to purchase more music or videos to distribute “freely”. All of this actually ensures more compensation for more artists in the future!

What about use of the “free” music video and portions thereof by the likes of a news organization such as CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, NBC, or CBS? Are these uses by huge corporations an act that constitutes piracy and or are they promoting piracy? Although we all saw portions or in some cases the full versions of music videos (such as with the recent death Michael Jackson), are these utilization’s, giving away the music video “free” an act of piracy or promoting piracy? The answer is no…. But why is this so in this case?

The answer is related to the fact that news is being reported and when the use of such copyrighted materials is incidental to the news story, not the primary usage, it is not a copyright violation. Such is called Fair Use. This practice is protected under United States Code (USC) title 17 also known as “Fair Use”. Fair Use provides for “free” usage of copyrighted materials in certain limited circumstances. News reporting is one of the protected circumstances.

What is the policy for larger news organizations and or on-line news agencies like WormholeRiders News Agency or other web based news “channels”? Is the “Fair Use” policy different for them versus the huge news organizations?The answer is simple, no. Both types, large and small and every variation in between are accorded the same rights and privileges under United Federal Code with regard to Fair Use.

Since inception of the WormholeRiders News Agency in early 2009, advisers have indicated that the use of some copyrighted materials protected under United States Federal Code can be used because it is news incidental to our reporting “Live from the Convention” news or episodic, press release or editorial series. Our utilization of same, during this phase of our growth, is only (like the huge news media giants mentioned above) to accentuate news reports, whether live from science fiction conventions and or in follow up detailed reports on the stars and guests that appear at the 5 or 6 science fiction conventions that we have covered since early 2009. Each has a news theme consistent with application of Fair Use easy to identify whether for fans or not.

WormholeRiders News Agency does not pirate. We report news about science fiction, movies, drama and conventions, notably Stargate, Farscape, executive summits, Alternative Press Expositions and etcetera. We do not allow downloading of movies, television episodes, audio or music (e.g. MP-3’s), or even images provided by the fans for our Fan Photo programs. Want to see how dedicated we are to protecting such Fair Use materials? Try to right click and copy these protected video news broadcasts. Can’t copy that video news piece with Fair Use copyrighted material can you? And image copy doesn’t work either does it on the Fan Photo Op pages?This is because of our deliberate programming to stop piracy!

This is our pledge, to report the news honestly and protect the Fair Use media as much as is possible.

WormholeRiders News Agency will never promote or support piracy from our news websites, nor promote or deliberately provide the downloading of movies, music, and or television series. These precepts form the core within our Standard Operating Procedures for the reporting of news “Live from the Conventions” where we deploy news reporter(s) at our own expense. Within Standard Operating procedure is the “aged archives” concept within “phased news operations”. Phased news operations? Aged archives? What do these phrases mean?

Much like any news show or music or movie featured within a news broadcast, the material becomes eventually becomes dated. As it relates to convention coverage, some Fair Use material may no longer be relevant to the news theme, and therefore potentially loses a measure of protection under Fair Use applicability. Therefore, WormholeRiders News Agency reserves the right to remove, edit, acquire new, and or re-master digital media for Fair Use for our news broadcasts as may be needed from time to time. Translation: some content may be removed without notice.

Within the current business plan operation phase, WormholeRiders News Agency will never allow downloading (distribution) of copyrighted materials unless the management changes policy and or media delivery mechanisms are re-executed. Should that become the case, where we change our business model, we would then enter into standard licensing agreements with regard to the digital media we may utilize in our news reports or featured news series, period.

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders New Agency on Twitter!In short, our policy is consistent and fair, to protect the artists and contributors, but in a manner consistent with fair use. However, should an artist, copyright owner, or their authorized legal agent feel that an infringement has occurred, we are open to entering meaningful discussion regarding where we obtained our fair use news video material and why such is not a violation of their copyright, at least not by deliberate intent of the WormholeRiders News Agency.

If you have a question or comment, please Always feel free to write to info@wormholeriders.com

Thank You

WormholeRiders News Agency Management

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