Fellow Stargate Universe fans,
During San Diego Comic Con 2010 I was fortunate enough to have the honor of interviewing Mr. Robert Cooper.
Robert is the award winning executive producer and writer of the MGM Stargate franchise. You can see new episodes of Stargate Universe on the Syfy Channel this Fall 2010 .
We talked a bit about the recent news that Mr. Cooper will be taking a step back from working on Stargate as well as his possible plans for the future. I want to thank Mr. Cooper for taking time out of the convention to speak with me. I will greatly miss his presence on Stargate. I wish him the best in his future endeavors.
You can also see the Stargate Universe panel by clicking here.

Thank you for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency and many thanks to Kenn for arranging this interview.
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Many thanks for reading and watching!
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Very informative video interview Looking forward to more interviews here at wormholrriders
Thank you for sharing this post!
Hey Trish,
Very lovely interview with Mr. Cooper. Great job! I may re-master again on the I-7 or quad core when I return to San Francisco. Thanks again and as always a pleasure working with you!
Best Regards